Tuesday, April 03, 2007

One Shining Moment

Some thoughts on last night's NCAA Championship game...

  • The game itself was fun and fast-paced, a welcome relief after last year's buzz killer of a snoozefest. Congrats to the Gators; I assume the starting five will all go pro, which is good, as I am tired of seeing skanky Joakim Noah on my television.
  • I also assume/hope that Greg Oden goes pro, as I cannot deal with the verbal masturbation of every announcer every time Oden steps on the floor. Enough, already!
  • Was sorry my Colonels didn't make the cut for the "One Shining Moment" montage at the end. Apparently the guys in the editing room had just come from a strip club, and so made sure to include plenty of the dance teams and that Oregon cheerleader's ass. Maybe EKU should have played in g-strings?
  • Was also sorry that, once again, I got owned in my bracket pool. I realize this sounds like a lie, but when I first put together my brackets, I had so many 1 and 2 seeds going deep that I said to myself, "That never happens," and went back in and picked a lot of upsets. Not to be.
  • On a somewhat unrelated topic, did everybody see the commercial for Transformers, coming out this summer? That looks like good, brain-dead fun; I'll go see it so you don't have to.

Good tournament, and once again, I go into my sports cocoon, only to reemerge next November when college basketball returns. Enjoy your stock cars and football, America!

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