Today, we made a strong leap into the late 90s by setting up a Wi-Fi home network. Like everything else involved with Apple, it was ten times easier than I thought it would be, which means the setup process took me only twice as long as it would have taken a well-trained monkey (I'll give you a minute to do that math). Now, our TiVo can download movies, and we can play Wii Tennis with our friends without actually seeing them or going to that pesky place known as "outside." As soon as my couch can produce and moderately heat various Hot Pockets, I will never have to leave my living room, let alone my home. Thank you, technology!
I am hoping that is a reference to Jim Gaffigan's bit on "Hot Pockets." Thanks to him I still can't look at a manatee without a little chuckle.
You are right on; in fact, I hope that when you read the words "Hot Pockets," you sing it the same way he did in his bit. Very funny.
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