Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Celebrity Poker Showdown Conspiracy Theory

Maybe it's just me, but did anybody else think it was really weird that Dave Navarro, last season's runner-up and seemingly good poker player, this week played what can at best be called horrendous poker, making horrible decisions and acting as if he'd never seen a deck of cards before? My theory: Dave threw the game. Why? Because I don't think he was interested in playing at a championship table where (at least) two-fifths of the players had slept with his wife.

Facts supporting my conspiracy theory:
  • Last season, Dave won his opening round, and then narrowly lost the championship to Seth Meyers from SNL. Dave played outstanding poker in both games, showing a real knack for playing good hands and bad hands with equal skill.
  • This week, Dave played won the first two hands by playing in that same aggressive style. However, for the rest of his game, he then played just awful hands, and more importantly, played them in such a way that he was assured to lose: he consistently called raises, but never in an aggressive manner that could have scared the other player out of the pot. Additionally, he did so with cards that clearly were not winners.
  • When Dave was the first one out and on his way to the Loser's Lounge, he was shown calling his wife Carmen Electra and telling her, "I lost, and your ex-husband won."
    • Regular viewers of the show know that Dennis Rodman, married famously in a drunken Vegas wedding to Carmen Electra, won his round, and would be playing in the championship.
    • Regular viewers have also figured out that an entire season is usually taped in a couple days, and so it is very possible that Dave watched Dennis play and win, and knew that if he won, he would be sitting at the same table as Dennis within hours.
So there you have it: my case for why Dave took a dive. If I'm right, I am disappointed, but I understand; tough to bluff a guy who is going to look at you across the table with that knowing look in his eye (emphasis on the Biblical definition of "know"). Especially when that guy's nickname is "The Worm."

I think he could have won the whole thing, but now, my money is on Doogie. You?

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