Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mom breaks her leg...again!

My mom's newest play opened last week, and runs through the end of February. She is part of the cast of Quilters, a musical by Molly Newman and Barbara Damashek, being performed at the Actor's Guild of Lexington. On their website, you can read about the play, as well as read about and meet the cast (including some fantastic headshots of my mom!).

Also, the Lexington Herald-Leader, the local newspaper, reviewed the play at the final preview before opening night. Please note that although the reviewer apparently wasn't too fond of the staging, he liked the cast a lot, including my mom, a "local stage favorite." Very nice!

Continue to break your leg, Mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brendon's mom is such a trooper, she performs even when she has no voice! This is a good trick since the show is all spoken and sung, way to hit the high ones, Brendon's mom! Signed - anonymously, Brendon's mom.