Sunday, April 20, 2008

We brought home a new kitten this weekend. She doesn't have a name yet; suggestions are welcome.

The process of adopting a kitten from San Francisco Animal Care and Control is...intense. There were several forms, a short interview, discussions about other pets in the home, and a criminal background check (I made that one up, but it seemed like the next step). And all of that was before we were allowed to touch the cat. Seriously. At one point in the interview, we were asked how many hours, on an average day, we're gone from the home. When we picked "10-12," the interviewer asked who would be watching over the kitten during those hours. I answered honestly, if admittedly like a bit of a smart ass, that this role would fall to "the other cat." The interviewer was not amused.

Overly invasive procedures aside, we're glad to have her home. They suggested we wait up to a week to introduce the two cats. We opened the door, our older cat sniffed her, licked her head, and that was about it. They've been playing all weekend, and with a minimal amount of what I call "poofy tail." If you don't have cats, trust me: that's a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Name suggestion:

Pussy Galore

Jenny said...

Kitty McKitterson

Cat McCatterson

Jenny said...


brendon said...

She kind of looks like a Fred. I also like Stinky McButterpants, but so far, the Wife has nixed that one.