Monday, August 30, 2004

Dreaming of reruns

I think I really want TiVo.

I worry that, right now, I watch too much television. And by "watch," I mean "stare at that box till something else better comes on, then stare some more." I'm often just flipping around till I find something even moderately watchable (read: not good in and of itself, just better than the other dreck). Interesting fact: especially in the early afternoon, that is usually something on the E! network. Surprised me, too.

So here's my theory: with TiVo, I may actually watch less television, since I would know that I could turn it on, go immediately to something I want to watch, do so commercial-free, and then move on with my life. Granted, what I usually want to watch are reruns of Seinfeld or The Simpsons (IMHO, both still better than any other scripted show on TV), but that's my right as an American, yes?

As soon as I get a job and can afford TiVo, I'll test my theory and publish my results for you. The New England Journal of Medicine awaits.


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