Thursday, September 16, 2004

Fun with high winds

Just dropped off our good friend at the airport; she visited for the last week, and now is headed home...and straight into Hurricane Ivan. Yikes.

When we lived in Alabama in '95, we lived through Opal, and I will never forget it: amazing winds and rainfall, a solid week afterwards without electricity or phones, and the realization that I would NEVER have made it as an early pioneer without air conditioning. God bless you, Mr. Carrier!

What has been interesting about watching all of the Ivan coverage on television was realizing that I never saw any of the Opal coverage due to the power outage. I wonder if the Weather Channel guys, in their cool black t-shirts and baseball caps, were set up just around the corner from our house, and we never knew it?

And by the way, do we need an intrepid reporter to lean into the wind, get his hat blown off, and struggle to talk into the microphone every time a hurricane comes? You can't tell me some of that isn't added dramatics.

It's hard to stand in one place. We get it, already.

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