Monday, September 20, 2004

I'm no Phil Gordon, part two

Okay, so after several weeks of hot poker action, and being the only one in our group not to win some money yet, I finally took home a pot at our weekend poker game! What a relief! I was really getting tired of being the guy at the table who knows all the rules, all the lingo, reads the books, watches the shows...and continuously goes home broke. Finally, the cards came my way, and I feel much better about how I played.

My biggest mistake of the night was actually against my wife. Here's the line:

I'm holding a Jack and 4, both hearts. Flop comes: Ace (hearts), Queen (clubs), and 9 (hearts). So two cards to go on the board, and a pretty good chance at the flush, right?

But I bet wrong. I should have gone after the pot more aggressively and scared everyone else out, but I limped in, slow playing it to see if I would indeed make the flush. What happened?

Turn: 9 of spades. River: Queen of hearts.

In other words, I make my flush on Fifth Street, but I also waited too long, and now anybody out there with a Queen or 9 has the full house, and I'm screwed.

And sure enough, my wife had the Queen. Probably should have gotten out, but I was pretty pot committed by then, and figured I should at least see if anyone made the boat, so I stuck around. She did. Grrrr.

Of course, she's been putting in our entry fee for the past four weeks, so since I've been playing with her money, I guess I shouldn't complain. Also, my take of the pot was enough to pay her back for the past four weeks, so I really can't complain.

I wish I had made enough to also pay off the parking ticket I got last week, the one she will now have to pay, but maybe I'll get lucky again this weekend. We'll see.

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