Sunday, July 15, 2007

No answer

Question: if, as I would be inclined, I named/dressed my team for the World Series of Pop Culture in Simpsons-themed sports garb, most likely either the Isotopes (obvious) or the Meltdown (more obscure and therefore cooler/nerdier), would the producers be less likely to include Simpsons questions for us? If my homage to the greatest television show ever would decrease the likelihood of getting Simpsons questions, would it make more sense to go a different route (like "The Solar Sailors" team with Tron, Sark and Clu shirts? That would be pretty tubular), and increase the odds of getting Simpsons questions so that I may devastate all that stand before me?


BTW, I went to the movie site, and built my alter ego, complete with an Isotopes t-shirt (think of this as a dry run for '08). Looking good, cartoon Brendon!


Jenny said...

I can totally see you on that show. Totally.

Anonymous said...

The Tron reference gets you much higher nerd points.