Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's face...just how bored I am...

As I type this, I am sitting on my couch in front of the television. On said television is a "show" called Hole In The Wall. Yes, that's actually the title of the show. I realize a title like that lends itself to any number of genres, but it is actually a game show about, well, a hole in the wall, and you apparently earn points guessed it...fitting through the hole in the wall.

Wow. If you don't believe me, here's a clip from the Japanese version. Don't worry if you don't speak Japanese; I think very little is lost in the translation:

Didn't The Simpsons predict we would hit this level of cultural embarassment a few years ago?

I am ashamed to admit that I have not changed the channel, and even more ashamed to admit I want to see what these people actually win if they, you know, fit through the hole in the wall. I'll let you know.


Jenny said...

Our supply store at school is called Hole in the Wall.

Alex said...

I'm very guilty of enjoying an ABC show called "Wipeout" :-p